Top 20 NuGet string Packages

Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
A set of userfull methods for persian codings: -convert persian numbers to english numbers -Convert to formatted persian datetime from gregorian string/datetime -convert to formatted gregorian datetime from persian string/datetime -Building standard datetime -Convert pe...
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Given an instance of IStringSimiliarities one can compute the percentage representing the similarities between two given (input) strings
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Extensions for: byte[], string, Console, LINQ, ini files, objects.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Find embbeded strings by convention
A set of extension methods that can be used to facilitate the manipulation of strings solving common dev problems.