Top 20 NuGet string Packages

The implementation of this string formatting function is inspired by .NET's (and other Microsoft® products') Composite Formatting feature. Therefore the behaviour and method signatures match what's described in the "Getting started with the String.Format method" MSDN article as closely as possible. ...
Binary data helpers, some general utilities and extension methods.
Set of libraries with some sort of everyday functionality like: extension of LINQ, monads, event extensions etc.
Extensions for common actions on types that aim to reduce code volume and make code easier to read and maintain.
The Master Extension Kit is an attempt to bring together a wide range of extensions that developers create and use. Many times, developers will write an extension that another developer somewhere else has already created. The hope of this collection is to normalize these extensions, test them by man...
extension methods to reduce the attack surface when converting Strings to SecureStrings
This utility provide below services for Dot net projects. 1) Encryption/Decryption of string with/without salt key. (useful for password encryption) 2) Object mapper 3) Serialize/Deserialize class object
String extension method that creates a reversed version.
Provides a way to filter fastly a collection of object containing string properties
MES is a mathematical expressions evaluator. While being fairly simple it's heavily focused on being generic, modular, and extensible. Supports custom functions!
Dtx Library - Useful Library for C# Developers
String Token Generator for NET. The size of the token can be provided by parameter.
A simple library containing all the handy helpers methods that you tend to rewrite.
A library for doing stuff with strings in .Net.
Extension methods for System.String
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Provides custom methods to C# String type
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