Top 20 NuGet streams Packages

Akka.NET streams support for ADO.NET Persistence middleware.
Akka.NET TestKit for SQL-based ADO.NET Persistence middleware
Provides support for Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) over IAsyncEnumerable<T> sequences.
F# wrapper library for Akka.NET with reactive streams support
Andy X is an open-source distributed streaming platform designed to deliver the best performance possible for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, streaming between microservices and data integrations. Andy X Streams is focused on the formulation of transformations on data streams.
F# wrapper library for Akka.NET Streams TestKit library using FsCheck and xUnit.
Steeltoe Stream Base
AMQP adapter for Akka.NET Streams
Andy X is an open-source distributed streaming platform designed to deliver the best performance possible for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, streaming between microservices and data integrations. This library offers flexible messaging models with high-level APIs for NET.
Azure EventHubs adapter for Akka.NET Streams
AMQP V1 adapter for Akka.NET Streams
Andy X is an open-source distributed streaming platform designed to deliver the best performance possible for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, streaming between microservices and data integrations. Andy X Agents is focused on the background tasks.
Spreads immutable collections.
Spreads top level library.
XML Parser for Akka.NET Streams
SignalR ASP.Net Core connector for Akka.NET Streams
XML Parser and Formatter for Akka.NET Streams
Azure Storage Queue adapter for Akka.NET Streams
Azure ServiceBus adapter for Akka.NET Streams
DiscUtils Streams