Top 20 NuGet streams Packages
NuGet for existing DataStreams library
Whatwg Streams (whatwg-streams) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Ssh2 Streams (ssh2-streams) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Steeltoe Stream Base
Library for comparing words, strings, streams and files with a single line of code. Output differences to CSV, HTML, Text, or Data Tables.
PCL wrapper for the Stream class that allows bit-level reads and writes, for all your sub-byte encoding needs.
Just new up a BitStream instance with the underlaying stream passed to it and off you go.
Orleans streaming provider for SQS.
Stringier streams... streamier? More streams. Better streams.
Windows API wrapper enabling support for NTFS/ReFS alternate data streams in .NET Core and .NET Standard.
A lightweight F#/C# library for efficient functional-style pipelines on streams of data.
Stream library for the FreecraftCore.Serializer. Provides the concrete stream implementation, extensions and abstract Types to implement your own FreecraftCore compatible streams.
.NET serialization tools, NANO SERIALIZER
Streaming utilities for Microsoft Orleans.