Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

Provides an abstraction layer definition for the virtual storage capabilities used to build web applications.
It provides a physical file system based implementation for the virtual storage function used to build web applications.
ManagedEsent provides managed access to ESENT, the embeddable database engine native to Windows. ManagedEsent uses the esent.dll that is part of Microsoft Windows so there are no extra unmanaged binaries to download and install.
Allows storing of Microsoft Orleans grain state in Couchbase
Package Description
Portable Devices+ is a .NET wrapper around WIN32_API classes, which allows you to communicate with music players, storage devices, mobile phones, cameras and many other types of connected devices the easy way. To transfer files, create folders and make other wondrous things through MTP with C# simp...
Portable Devices+ is a .NET wrapper around WIN32_API classes, which allows you to communicate with music players, storage devices, mobile phones, cameras and many other types of connected devices the easy way. To transfer files, create folders and make other wondrous things through MTP with C# simp...
Event Sourcing and Sharding library for Azure Storage optimised for multithreading.
Sharding library for Azure Storage optimised for multithreading.
Migration and management tools for Azure Storage.
CloudSu Storage
CloudSu Storage
CloudSu Storage
CloudSu Storage
CloudSu Storage
Binary Node List is a basic file format that is meant to store generic streams of data organized with keys and array indices.
One Compute storage library
(just what) Everybody Needs - Another Markup Language (ENAML) library for saving program data to a structured text file with a simple syntax