Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

* Interfaces: - IClientWebService * Exceptions: - WebServiceException - WebServiceStatusException - WebServiceOfflineException - WebServiceTimedOutException
General interface and helper classes .Net Standard
Classes to Serialize / Deserialize objects from streams / strings in xml and json format: - SerializationJson (Json.NET) - SerializationRestSharpJson (RestSharp) - SerializationRestSharpXml (RestShap) - SerializationDataContractXml (DataContractSerializer) - Serializati...
Classes to generate Mock objects
Save settings on secure storage: KeyChain / PasswordValut / KeyStore / ProtectedData
Create / Read / Write / Delete files and directories
UsefulExtensions it's an open source .NET Standard library that contains useful extensions to help developers coding fast and clean.
X3DAudio .NET bindings.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library filelogger which logs in files and places them in c:\temp. The naming of the file is the name of the calling assembly with the extension log. Created because of the need of simple file logging, while putting products into production, to reduce doubts about correct configu...
The core funcionalities of a booru API wrapper.
Firebase cloud messaging for Xamarin.Forms (iOS + Android)
Simple wrapper for RestSharp
.Net Standard Helpers
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for .Net Core 3.x apps - Logging (file/console) - Event aggregator - Exceptions manager
.NetStandard 2.0 Small app framework for ASP.Net Core 3 apps.