Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

A collection of type based helpers targeting modern frameworks using native .Net Libraries and small number of 3rd libraries.
Data Access library for NET standard
A .NET Standard Obex protocol class library.
Package Description
Microsoft Machine Learning Scoring library for deep learning model inference. Current version of the library supports inferencing on ONNX v1.3 and TensorFlow v1.10.0 models. The library supports CPU execution with MKL/MKLDNN acceleration. Also supports CUDA GPU devices. For CPU execution of ONNX mod...
C# Standard Library used to make console games in C#
Veldrid integration for the SPIRV-Cross native library. Contains functionality to cross-compile SPIR-V bytecode into HLSL, GLSL, ESSL, and MSL shaders for use with Veldrid.
A collection of extension methods for .Net Core, .NetFramework >= 4.5, Mono, Xamarin, UWP, Phone
Módulo principal de la librería NETRETS en su versión preliminar para operaciones transaccionales de bienes raíces.
Simple .NET Standard library for running multiple instances of one process and unifying the output
ASN.1 encoding/decoding library, supporting the BER, DER and PER encodings. Package was compiled for .NET Standard 2.0
Package Description
.net standard library that compares even the most complex collections of objects. Using reflection, the comparer checks if each and every object is identical in both collections and returns true if so. (including custom objects, lists... anything)
A Library for easing the use of MonoGame
Package Description
Validierungen von eXTra 1.1-Dokumenten für das OSTC-Server-Verfahren
Definitionen für den eXTra-Standard 1.1 (OSTC-Server)