Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

Package Description
Progress reporting toolbox
Generic Repository and Unit of work pattern with EF.Core
Cosmos preconditions extension library
This package is based on Freshmvvm using .net standard2.0 and some other changes
Simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
Scriban based template renderer for PostOffice, a simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
基于 Ping++ 官方 SDK 包编写的 .NET Standard 库,支持 .NET Framework 与 .NET Core。
Notif.Abstractions - notificaion abstractions for .NET Standard
A managed client library that makes it easy to work with the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech Services Speech to Text API on Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms, UWP, and/or .NET Standard projects.
Extension Methods for ASP.NET Core usage of Fluint library.
A Fluent library for I18n lookup.
A jenkins client sdk.
Common MR Api tools
Provides various license validators that can be used to validate client licenses (embedded, floating, subscription, etc.)
A lightweight .netstandard 2.0 neural networking library
The build-time development dependency that generates code for projects consuming Code Generation attributes.
This class library (.Net Standard 2.0) provide a C# bindable component that implements the following .NET Framework interfaces: System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations impleme...