Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

An API wrapper that makes it easy to consume Giphy endpoints.
A mqtt client library.
MantisBT REST API HTTP Client for C# .NET Standard 2.0 Mantis connector DTO POCO NSwag toolchain swagger MIT Licence free
Allows developers to handle API errors through middleware and returns a consistent response in case of errors rather than implementing their own solutions. There is also less fragmentation and no inconsistencies in response as it follows a pre-decided structure. Users can just register an inbuilt m...
Extension classes for Antrl4 lexer and parser. Wraps a parser as a component. Integrates helpfull additional classes and methods
Manage your webhooks easily.
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify MySql data access.
.NET Standard object oriented C# .NET library to communicate with an OBS-WebSocket Server
A collection of primitive data structures for working with a 2-dimensional grid.
This library gives you access to the now playing song on Pretzel.
Event handlers when a new version has released
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify Active Directory data access.