Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

This client library allows ADO.NET developers to create applications that implement and use the pattern known as database sharding in Azure SQL Database. Sharding is a scale-out strategy that spreads data across a number of independent databases. The library includes APIs for creating and managing s...
PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POCO objects and dynamics. This package includes the just the core PetaPoco library (compiled) (ie: no T4 templates)
LambdicSql is ultimate sql builder. Generate sql text and parameters from lambda. Target frameworks are .netframework3.5~, pcl, .netstandard1.2~.
XPO Based abstract storage provider for ASP.NET Identity
Based on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug for Logging to MsSql Db using Raw Sql and Stored Procedures. for fast logging. Elmah for Core
Extends ADONetHelper library to MySQL, MariaDb, Percona Server, Amazon Aurora, Azure Database for MySQL
Data transformation and anaytics library - MySql Connection and reader.
High performance database access library. Use the Speed application to generate data classes:
A .NET assembly providing interop with the SQL LocalDB native API from managed code using .NET APIs.
Leichtgewichtiges Framework um Daten einer Datenbank des Microsoft SQL Servers (auch Azure SQL) abzufragen und auf benutzerdefinierte Klassen zu mappen. Möglich sind alle CRUD-Operationen und auch die Abfrage von Daten aus Views wird unterstützt.
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
This is the SQLite driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the ...
This is the PostgreSQL driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles ...
This is the Oracle driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the ...
This is the MySQL driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the f...
TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the final SQL query.
Plugin Manager Plugin which monitors Url's and Query/Form input for sql injection attempts. Provides feed back on those "Bad Eggs" why don't play nicely!
SqlServer health checks package used to check the status of a SqlServer in .NET 5, .NET Core, .NET Standard based applications. LiteXHealthChecks is very small yet powerful and high-performance library used to check the status of a component in the application, such as a backend service, data...
Data transformation and anaytics library - DB2 Connection and reader.
A fluent ORM and Database Reflection Library for SQL Server. This uses System.Data.OleDb. For System.Data.SqlClient use the Tortuga.Chain.SqlServer package.