Top 20 NuGet sql Packages

Package Description
Provides lexing and parsing APIs for SQL statements.
PeachtreeBus.SimpleInjector is a package that contains classes and extensions for integrating PeachtreeBus with SimpleInjector.
Conditions for Dapper and SQL
Library of basic functions to run SQL Server stored procedures and functions (table and scalar)
Database migrations and schema versioning adaptor for Snowflake. For technical details and samples, visit
Bulk operations helper for .net Standard Supports Bulk Insert, Update, Delete A fork from SqlBulkTools
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Dependency injected Azure PaaS components.
Optional background processes for the Accidental Fish applicaton framework. Includes email and logging.
SqlKata + Dapper + Canducci Wrapper Extensions + SqlServer
SqlKata + Dapper + Canducci Wrapper Extensions + PostGres
An Automated Role Based Access Control .NET framework with T-SQL Query Parser which automatically parse select, insert, update, delete queries (row and column level security) based on the logged in user role. It also maintains user interface entitlements like menu, submenu, screen and screen element...
The SQL Interpreter Library implements support for intergation with SQL Workspace.
The MySql adapter of the Quermine library.
The Sqlite adapter of the Quermine library.
Sumo.Data.SqlServer is a Microsoft SQL Server specific implementation of Sumo.Data. Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework.
Sumo.Data.Sqlite is a SQLite specific implementation of Sumo.Data. Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework.
Sumo.Data is an IoC capable database access framework. It provides foundation interfaces and classes for database-independent data access. Sumo.Data.Sqlite and Sumo.Data.SqlServer provide database specific implementations of Sumo.Data, Sumo.Data.Schema, and Sumo.Data.Orm. Sumo.Data.Orm is a light-we...
sqlite-net is an open source, minimal library to allow .NET and Mono applications to store data in SQLite databases. It is written in C# 3.0 and is meant to be simply compiled in with your projects. It was first designed to work with MonoTouch on the iPhone, but should work in any other CLI environm...