Top 20 NuGet specification Packages

Domain validation is a library that helps to validates complex business rules with specification pattern.
A .Net implementation of [JsonLogic](
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
The tasty specification framework.
Value object classes and validation for different kinds of global identifiers.
Value objects of different kinds of identifiers in Finland.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities.
A fluent API to build specification enforced siren entities. (ASP.NET Framework 4.5+ WebApi integration)
Entity Framework and Query Specification
Validation specification package
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
.Net Core Specification Pattern Implementation and Query utilities
Abstraction layer for Specification design pattern. Contains also interfaces and structures for validation and Linq scenarios. Commonly used types: - FluentSpecification.Abstractions.Generic.ISpecification - FluentSpecification.Abstractions.Generic.IValidationSpecification - FluentSpecification.Abst...
Specification and code generator for SignalR Core.
A small library to separate your filtering logic from Data access layer.
A set of C# specification extension methods that provide an easy to use 'testObject.Should***()' syntax for use with MSTest
A set of C# specification extension methods that provide an easy to use 'testObject.Should***()' syntax for use with NUnit