Top 20 NuGet specflow Packages
SpecSync for Azure DevOps is a synchronization tool that synchronizes Gherkin feature files with Azure DevOps (TFS/VSTS). Please find more information and detailed documentation at
Obsolete: Please use SpecSync.PluginDependency instead
Allows for a @retry(n) tag to be placed above scenarios in SpecFlow.XUnit. This can be used to re-run a failed test up to n times, allowing for transient failures (e.g. network related) to be tolerated.
SpecFlow+Runner - a smarter integration test runner for SpecFlow. Check the details on the website.
SpecFlow+Runner - a smarter integration test runner for SpecFlow. Check the details on the website.
Magenic's automation quick start framework
Autotest framework with specflow integration
Primary features:
1) Specflow integration from the box
2) PreProcessor for SpecFlow
3) Component framework for Playwright\Selenium WebDriver integration
4) Test Data management framework
5) Model transformmation framework
Autotest framework with specflow integration
Primary features:
1) Specflow integration from the box
2) PreProcessor for SpecFlow
3) Component framework for Playwright\Selenium WebDriver integration
4) Test Data management framework
5) Model transformmation framework
SpecFlow plugin for SpecSync - enables synchronizing automated Azure DevOps test cases. Only required for 'testSuiteBasedExecutionWithScenarioOutlineWrappers' test execution strategy (see
SpecFlow plugin for SpecSync - enables synchronizing automated Azure DevOps test cases. Only required for 'testSuiteBasedExecutionWithScenarioOutlineWrappers' test execution strategy (see
SpecFlow v3.0 plugin for SpecSync - enables synchronizing automated Azure DevOps test cases. Only required for 'testSuiteBasedExecutionWithScenarioOutlineWrappers' test execution strategy (see
SpecFlow v3.4 plugin for SpecSync - enables synchronizing automated Azure DevOps test cases. Only required for 'testSuiteBasedExecutionWithScenarioOutlineWrappers' test execution strategy (see
SpecFlow plugin that enables to use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for resolving test dependencies.
SpecFlow+Runner - a smarter integration test runner for SpecFlow. Check the details on the website.
Don't add this package to your project. Install from commandline (dotnet tool install --global SpecFlow.Plus.LivingDoc.CLI) and use with SpecFlow.Plus.LivingDoc.Plugin. A dotnet tool for SpecFlow to generate a shareable HTML Gherkin feature execution report (living documentation).
SpecfFlow utilities
A Reqnroll bindings library for Power Apps.
Generates Allure report result files for SpecFlow test run
Autotest framework with specflow integration
Primary features:
1) Specflow integration from the box
2) PreProcessor for SpecFlow
3) Component framework for Playwright\Selenium WebDriver integration
4) Test Data management framework
5) Model transformmation framework
Console App for SpecSync for Azure DevOps (for .NET Framework v4.*). For systems with .NET Core v3 installed, we recommend to install SpecSync.AzureDevOps as a .NET Core tool.
SpecSync for Azure DevOps is a synchronization tool that synchronizes Gherkin feature files with Azure DevOps (TFS/VS...