Top 20 NuGet socket Packages

.NET sockets made easy (Now part of MniakLibs)
Portable completion port library for .Net
Socket with integrated support to SSL/TLS. This is a work in progress. Please contribute.
山东海天学院 宋兴柱
Fun with sockets in C#.
A lightweight TCP Socket Server/Client Library network related like: ftp/async socket DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of preci...
A .NET class library that abstracts away the details of asynchronous network programming.
A lightweight network library. (personal libs)
This framework helps interact with the FreeSwitch via its mod_event_socket. For more information about the mod_event_socket refer to FreeSwitch web site. The framework is written using DotNetty. In its current state it can help build IVR applications more quickly.
Hazel Networking is a low-level networking library for C# providing connection orientated, message based communication via TCP, UDP and RUDP.
Reverse proxy in C#
Easy Data Transfer through Sockets
Simple heartbeat monitor for services, applications and other.
C# Socket Message Module
Simple TCP and UDP messaging framework. The TCP Messaging functionality uses a two-way connection.
AutoCSer is a high-performance RPC framework. AutoCSer 是一个以高效率为目标向导的整体开发框架。主要包括 TCP / RPC 接口服务框架、TCP / RPC 函数服务框架、前后端一体 WEB 视图框架、ORM 内存索引缓存框架、日志流内存数据库缓存组件、消息队列组件、二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化 等一系列无缝集成的高性能组件。
AutoCSer is a high-performance RPC framework. AutoCSer 是一个以高效率为目标向导的整体开发框架。主要包括 TCP / RPC 接口服务框架、TCP / RPC 函数服务框架、前后端一体 WEB 视图框架、ORM 内存索引缓存框架、日志流内存数据库缓存组件、消息队列组件、二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化 等一系列无缝集成的高性能组件。