Top 20 NuGet simple Packages

Simple webapi tracelog library
A really simple library for checking if a feature is enabled/disabled
Simple Youtube library for easy access to clear stripped down YouTube playlist and video data using version 3 of the YouTube API
Maps interface properties to document type properties. Works for 6.x and 7.x.
A simple lightweight Neural network library, suitable for education and enthusiasts. Currently in development and not finished yet, please look forward for updates.
Maps interface properties to document type properties. Untested below 7.5
A very simple JWT libary for creating comptible JWT tokens for SSA (Super Simple Auth)
Simple Object Factory supports Dependency Injection pattern in .NET. SOF simplifies creation of types with chained dependencies. SOF is reflection-based constructor-injection library.
Sockets Server/Client Library
A set of common Database classes and extensions used to help RAD process
A Simplification of the HttpClient for the dotnet core framework, currently only supports sending synchronous requests
Light libary designed for the core project, currently for the following libraries: - NetCore.Simple - ConsumeAPI.Simple
Fast and space efficient immutable collections, hash maps, and utilities for performant programming in C#. Split from the DryIoc:
Lightweight, file-based JSON storage library.
Create simple pagination handling for items in ASP.NET core for MicrosoftEntityFramework and Simple list of items
Splunk Target for NLog for writing to /receivers/simple.
A .NET library for making simple rest calls
A lightweight Postgres ORM for .Net Core.