Top 20 NuGet simple Packages

A small and very simple .net core rest capable web server. Visit for more infos.
Compression codecs written in C#
AWS Simple Notification Service sink for Serilog. Uses .NET Core specific configuration objects from AWS SDK.
Inversion of Control symplify using Simple Injector
A simple single series ready-made chart WPF window which launches in a separate thread. Built on top of LiveCharts
Raspberry PI library for controlling GPIO inputs and outputs.
An ASP.NET Core Model wrapper to take all the hard lifting away.
Provides simple and extensible framework for application logging
A small and very simple .net core rest capable web server. Visit for more infos.
This library provides you to make somethings(Making a table, a mask input, a number input, ...) easily on Bootstrap 4+.
Register types in IOC searching for injection interfaces.
Simple Query. ORM Very Easy to use. All CRUD operations. Dapper and ORM in the same place
Simple extensions to allow less verbose conversions of System.Guid to/from other types. Used to simplify projects that use numeric ids and need to upgraded to use UUID based ids or projects that work as an interface between the two forms of entry identification.
The Simple for Librame.AspNetCore.Web themepack.
简易日志组件(A simple logging component)。 特色功能: (1)免配置使用; (2)便捷配置:指定路径、前缀、单条最大长度、保留天数; (3)按日期分文件、自动记录时间、连续重复内容仅计数。 使用方法: (1)LogHelper.Write("内容"); (2)Console.Write 重定向到日志(在构造器里加上:Console.SetOut(new ConsoleWriter()); )
EzMail is a simple Razor Class Library designed to simplify the sending of email in .Net Core 3.1 apps.
A simple API library to handle anything Billogram except for callbacks. Every function is available through the client class.