Top 20 NuGet shell Packages

Convenient fluent console. Example: FConsole.Color(ConsoleColor.Red).WriteLine("Red text");
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A generic command line parser that can be used to add simple console shell to an .NET application.
NCmdLiner provides a command line parser with auto documentation capabilities.
Xna module for Gemini, providing two methods of integrating XNA content in WPF.
GraphEditor module for Gemini, providing UI controls to edit a graph of connected nodes.
The ConsoleControl is a WinForms control that you can drop into a Form to run an external process in a C# application.
Makes developing custom shells easier.
The ConsoleControl is a WPF control that you can drop into a WPF applcation to run an external process in a C# application.
Command line arguments parser. See
A small Command Line Interpreter
Quake-style console allowing for in-game user input.
Quake-style console allowing for in-game user input.
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
This library is used to easily develop .NET/Mono shell applications, providing command line parsing, execution context, and other functionalities to design interactive console applications.
A JavaScript based command line interface for web pages.
Wide framework allows you to build your application by creating PRISM modules which participate in building the IDE. This way you can modularize the code for each part of your application. For more details:
SmartCon is a small collection of console tools for .NET. Offers processing of commandline arguments with different flavours of commandline switches.
A fully customizable command line interface / shell with built-in documentation, autocomplete and history features.
Corsinvest for Proxmox VE Api Shell