Top 20 NuGet shell Packages

The ConsoleControl API provides common functionality used in the ConsoleControl and ConsoleControl.WPF libraries.
Contains core assemblies that are required by the SoftPro Select Shell.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Bind command as stream.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A better ReadLine utilitity, a fork of ReadLine by Toni Solarin-Sodara
Isop is a library to help simplify and structure command line apps.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Shellify is a 100% managed .NET implementation of the Microsoft Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format
A tool that allows you easily execute your custom commands.
.NET System.Console abstraction. Use to remove a direct dependancy on System.Console and replace with a dependancy on a well used and well known console interface, `IConsole`, to allow for building rich 'testable', high quality interactive console applications and utilities.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Library for generating visuals to be used in console applications
A member of the Visual Studio SDK