Top 20 NuGet serialization Packages

See project site for more info.
A Library that generates code for serialization.
ALabs 序列化项目动态链接库
Simplify binary and non-binary serialization.
This package adds formatters for all the types in the System.Collections.Immutable namespace. For example ImmutableArray, ImmutableSet, ImmutableDictionary, ...
Package Description
This package includes a mostly complete port of the MessagePack(for more info see: assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
A simple MsgPack serializer implementation for usage in RabbitExpress.
A simple JSON serializer implementation for usage in RabbitExpress.
Flatbuffers include directory and flatc.exe.
Cap'n Proto C# code generator backend
Promptuarium is a versatile, tree-based data structure to store or exchange data and metadata efficiently (in binary format). Written in pure C#, can be used in F#, too.
DFlex is JSON like language for compact data store, convenient usage in api or configs and human readable syntax.
Quick JSON serialisation of 'simple' class objects
Just-in-time compiled JSON serialization utilizing System.Text.Json