Top 20 NuGet serialization Packages

To get started, download NYurik.TimeSeriesDb.Sample package
Provides a fluent configuration API to apply commonly needed serialization options to a POCO (and it's properties). Follows same conventions and principals as FluentValidator.
A parser for .proto files for Protocol Buffers.
Easy to use framework for serializing to and from json. Supports typed dto objects, dynamic dto objects and immutable dto types like F# record types. Can differ between null values and "not supplied" values. One of the fastest json serializers for .NET there is. Supports Microsoft Web API.
Fast and dependency-free XML serializer for .NET written in F#
A fast object graph binary serialization for .NET with support for: * serialization of classes, structures and primitives at root or type member level; * serialization of derived types referenced by interface, base class or abstract class type; * serialization of POCO objects; * standard NonSerializ...
JSON parser that generates either a dynamic object or a strongly typed object
Contains a serialization and derserialization block for testing
Fast and flexible serialization framework usable on undecorated classes
A framework for the serialization of the popular JQuery DataTables Plug-in. There are two small libraries, CubedElement.DataTable.Contracts and CubedElement.DataTable.Model, and when building this the goal was not only to make it user friendly, but to make it n-tiered and IoC friendly too!
Easy to use framework for serializing to and from json. Supports typed dto objects, dynamic dto objects and immutable dto types like F# record types. Can differ between null values and "not supplied" values. One of the fastest json serializers for .NET there is. Supports Microsoft Web API.
A .NET assembly which adds a couple of extension methods to the MailMessage class of the System.Net.Mail namespace. It also contains a serializable replica of the MailMessage class.
A library providing tools for parsing and describing protocol buffers messages in a binary format from .NET code.
XmlObjectMapper - XML Data Binding Framework
This library will wrap an instance of DataContractSerializer to enable you to apply encrpytion to the serialization process.
This is a library for serializing and deserializing an excel file to/from an object list
cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can ...
A text-based serialization format.
Core classes that use the XSerializer serialization library.
Core classes that use the JSON.NET (Newtonsoft) serialization library.