Top 20 NuGet serialization Packages

Package Description
FnSharp FSharp Serialization
DesertOctopus is a utility class.
boost_serialization-vc80. Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
Patch Serialization Library for the .Net
.Net Configuration System based on TOML configuration format
.Net Configuration System based on TOML configuration format
Serialize objects to C# scripts
Ultra fast binary serializer which allows to serialize object graphs with arbitrary complexity, supports anonymous types serialization, supports .NET Core.
Provides an Asp.Net Core filter that can be used to automatically run augmenter on responses.
Support for converting an objects properties to snake_case.
API library for the FreecraftCore.Serializer. Provide interface/service/contracts for the serialization service. Include this project to reference the serializer's interfaces. This way you can avoid the hard dependencies the serializer includes.
Stream library for the FreecraftCore.Serializer. Provides the concrete stream implementation, extensions and abstract Types to implement your own FreecraftCore compatible streams.
Serialization abstractions
A library to make creating and reading csv easy as well as serializing and deserializing to and from csv.
Library for reading and writing CSV and Fixed Width files into a class or struct similar to XmlSerializer.
Encapsulated BSON serialization for custom value types
Encapsulated JSON serialization for custom value types