Top 20 NuGet search Packages

Solis Search - Apache Solr indexer for Umbraco CMS
LeadPipe.Net.Lucene provides a set of base types that make implementing the powerful, open source Lucene search engine as straight-foward as possible. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read more about the LeadPipe.Net library at http://githu...
Search - xaml library.
Consumes a generic inventory document store to be used in PMoney applications.
Search stream twitter client
Consumes a generic Customers document store to be used in PMoney applications.
Nuget Package for Ingeniux InSite Search
This library extends Metrics.NET with ElasticSearch reporting capabilities
This project is effectively a web based cut down LUKE. It allows you to query your examine indexes in the umbraco backoffice.
SearchTap is a hosted search solution for website, mobile apps and e-commerce platforms.
An F#-idiomatic Library for Elasticsearch, including an F# DSL representation of the Elasticsearch Query Model, and F# modules for searching and indexing documents as well as creating and maintaining indexes.
Lucene29 library for the sensenet platform containing the core indexing layer that works with Lucene index files directly.
Universal Search tool will allow you to search all entities in Dataverse for a specific value or perform a wildcard search against all or specific entities in Dataverse. You can also perform a search against the Metadata in Dataverse
More Details in Github Link : [DBSearch : Mini/Fast Multiple DBMS Search](
A property editor for Umbraco which looks like the media picker, but lets you search for animated gifs, powered by the Giphy api.
Full Text Search Query is a .NET class library that converts a user-friendly search term into a valid Microsoft SQL Server full-text-search query. The code attempts to gracefully handle all syntax cases that would cause SQL Server to generate an error.
Index layer for the sensenet Centralized search engine implementation for Lucene29.
Common service elements for the Central Lucene29 Search Engine for the sensenet platform.
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