Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Language SDK for FusionExport which enables exporting of charts and dashboards through C#.
The Microsoft Xbox Integrated Multiplayer API provides game developers with basic multiplayer communication through the power of Xbox Live. Developers of titles supporting cross play on Windows 10 and Xbox One should ensures the major version of this package matches the major version of the XDK bein...
Disqus API for .NET
Revit 2014 x64 SDK assemblies package
Framework for replacing tokenized configuration values with Secret values retrieved from Secret Server. Includes a standard replacement syntax but allows a custom syntax to be developed.
Smartsheet C# SDK to facilitate HTTP Requests against the Smartsheet API (
bNesis SDK Thin Client
Domain Specific Language for extracting substrings from text data. Part of the Microsoft PROgram Synthesis using Examples SDK (PROSE).
Client Library to connect to SynaAudioSvc Capability
FantasyData API C# Client Library