Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Contains a set of common components for building solutions using the Dynamics 365 SDK. Authored in partnership between Microsoft Premier Field Engineering (PFE) and core engineering teams.
Adds IAsyncOrganizationService and IAsyncDiscoveryService with async versions of interface methods to the CRM Dynamics SDK. When you call "IOrganizationService.Execute(request)" for instance, it blocks the current thread until the reply is received from the Dynamics CRM server. In case when...
Набір функціональностей необхідних для керування інформацією і доступу до API
A set of small programming utilities and common stuff useful in general in some programs
A Confit service to fetch the configuration from the azure blobs and tables for the Fxp Application
SDK for FoxPoint API
This package contains the official SDK C# helper code authored by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK team. This code is for use with the CRM Web API. These classes provide web service authentication for both on-premises and online deployments, error handling, and connection string configuration. These c...
This package contains libraries for support: * (inc. CI.MSBuild) * Please read the License.txt and files for details. ~~~~~~~~ Alternative to get it: ...
.NET SDK for Dingtalk
The package contains a library of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 SDK, needed to develop plug-ins: - Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll - Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll
SDK for goCardless API
移植Alipay Sdk 到 mono 平台下。
This SDK includes interfaces for UDO development and components for compiling and executing U-SQL scripts locally on developer workstations or in testing environment. To compile U-SQL scripts, you will also need correspondent Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (currently VC14) and Windows SDK (curren...
Readefine SDK, x64 strong-named assembly
This package contains the two libraries required to build plug-ins on Dynamics CRM 2016/Dynamics 365. Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll
Readefine SDK, x86 strong-named assembly