Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Microsoft.Surface library from Surface 2 SDK.
.NET SDK for Baidu BCS
Provides the means to consume Liferay Portal's core and plugins remote services
Paquete que contiene las librerias necesarias para realizar la extensión de Dynamics CRM 2013.
Mobile SDK for Windows Apps v2
LiveTex SDK service
This is a client API for AirWire Windows Phone 8 application
Contains a set of common components for building solutions using the Dynamics CRM 2015 SDK. Authored by the Microsoft Premier Field Engineering (PFE) Dynamics team.
Install this package to connect with CRM and use it in your C# web and windows application. 4.0
tiny oauth2 client
This package adds the SDK assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics Marketing 2016 to your code project.
This package contains the official SDK C# helper code authored by the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Developer Documentation team. This code is for use against the Organization Service endpoint.
Microsoft.Xrm.Client Version= Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk Version= Microsoft.Crm.Outlook.Sdk.dll Version= Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy Version= Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment Version= Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow Version=
老虎游戏SDK是由完美世界公司出品的一款专业游戏SDK。主要面向Windows 10游戏开发者, 为游戏提供完善的用户系统、支付系统、社交分享体系, 以及可定制的游戏论坛系统。
Connect QQ SDK for Windows Phone Runtime Apps. Supports Windows Phone 8.1 RT Apps & Windows 10 Universal Windows Apps (Mobile).
Prevents Visual Studio SDK reference assemblies from being included in a VSIX archive.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
A member of the Visual Studio SDK