Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
SDK for .NET simplifies working with the XPO Render API v2
It’s 100% managed code PDF standard versions supported are: ALL versions. Files can be normal, linearized, password-protected, signed, incrementally updated. - We support many possible PDF content manipulations scenarios, below are a few things that worth mentioning: - Extract, modify and add graph...
Slamby.SDK.Net for Slamby.API Service
AppMetrica is a set of libraries for gathering statistics on mobile app usage. You can view the collected data in the AppMetrica web interface.
This package is deprecated. Please use ceTe.DynamicPDF.Rasterizer.NET instead. Rasterizer allows software developers to convert PDF files to image file formats on the fly. Quick and easy conversions from PDF files to JPEG, PNG, TIFF (including multipage), GIF, BMP or directly to a System.Draw...
Tobii Pro .NET SDK. Used for developing applications for the Tobii Pro line of eye trackers. You need at least one eye tracker to make use of this SDK.
C# SDK for a Line bot
Pixelnetica Document Scanning SDK (DSSDK) — easiest way to add document scanning features into mobile applications. Optimized for photos taken by smartphone, tablet or document camera. Designed to ensure the smooth operation of a paperless work-flow by preprocessing paper document images, makes them...
app’s miles® helps you develop and manage digital animation programs. We present challenges that are increasingly engaging to your users, allowing them to go up in levels, earn points and trophies, and redeem gifts. app’s miles® stabilises customer retention, helps users to discover the full breadth...
cos-dotnet-sdk-v5: Tencent Cloud Object Storage XML API V5 (.NET Core 2.x)
C# .NET Standard SDK for the TSheets V1 API
Microsoft Concurrency Visualizer for .NET Standard, .NET Core and .NET Framework (Microsoft.ConcurrencyVisualizer.Markers.dll/Microsoft.ConcurrencyVisualizer.Instrumentation SDK Tools). - Document:
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services CustomVision Training APIs.
Platform C# SDK that allows interacting with the SpatialOS Platform.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Acrolinx .NET SDK for Sidebar Integration
Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET
This is a .NETStandard SDK library, used to communicate with the Xero API. See for more information
Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET