Apitron.PDF.Kit for Windows Phone (Windows Runtime) NuGet Package

It’s 100% managed code
PDF standard versions supported are: ALL versions.

Files can be normal, linearized, password-protected, signed, incrementally updated.

- We support many possible PDF content manipulations scenarios, below are a few things that worth mentioning:
- Extract, modify and add graphics (text, images, drawings)
- Split or merge PDF documents
- Fill or create PDF forms
- Add or remove document fields
- Examine resources within a document - fonts, embedded files
- Digitally sign and check existing signatures on PDF documents
- Search for specific text
- Protect document with a password
- Work with navigation objects, e.g. create bookmarks or links
- Full support for annotations
- Full support for PDF actions
- All fonts defined by specification are supported
- Various colorspaces and color profiles are supported, e.g. you may draw in RGB, CMYK, gray, or whatever colorspace you like.
- Files can be saved to other “subtypes” of PDF – Linearized or PDF/a for example.
- If you require a specific funtionality and are unsure about whether it is supported, please review our online help you contact support so we'll be able to handle this.
- Fixed layout API, implemented to be 100% PDF specification compatible, it unlocks full power of the PDF for you. Any complex PDF creation or manipulation task can be completed instantly.
- Flow layout API, a styles-driven content generation API similar to HTML+CSS provides you with ability to create stunning documents, reports, bills, catalogues an more in minutes.

Compact and easy to use, supports creation of XML templates and much more.

Got any Apitron.PDF.Kit for Windows Phone (Windows Runtime) Question?


Version: 2.0.13
Author(s): Apitron LTD.
Last Update: Wednesday, April 17, 2019
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://apitron.com/Product/pdf-kit
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile

Install-Package Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile
dotnet add package Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile
paket add Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile
Apitron.PDF.Kit.Mobile Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






