Top 20 NuGet scroll Packages

Scrollable view which can be used to give different choices to user with nice UI.
Whatshapp Scroll Down Up - Ebubekir Bastama
A lightweight infinite-scroller jQuery plug-in
An easy to implement jQuery extension that simplifies adding both horizontal and vertical scrolling with static header and footer to any html table. It will automatically (and reactively) size to it's parent container, or a given set of dimensions.
GoUP is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin. It adds an arrow on the corner that will scroll the page to the top when you click on it.
Scroll tracking module for Angulartics. See Angular.Analytics.Core for more details [NuGet packaging by ADAPTByDesign]
Smooth scroll is a feature complete jQuery utility with bookmark, page top and sticky box options. A highly customizable configuration object allows you to decide what feature to activate, set scroll speeds and start/complete callbacks independently for each feature, and activate bookmarks in many w...
An easy to implement angular module/directive that simplifies adding both horizontal and vertical scrolling with static header and footer to any html table. It will automatically (and reactively) size to it's parent container, or a given set of dimensions.
Virtual scroll drop down that you can search. It allows for large number of items to be loaded into the search.
Blazor JavaScript Utilities.
jQuery plugin that locks mouse wheel scroll inside container, preventing it from propagating to parent element
jQuery goTop is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin.
Neverendingview is an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily add a neverending scroll view to their projects. Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
Attached properties for scroll-related stuff
Angular Virtual Scroll
An Auto Scroll TextBlock UserControl for UWP. When Text is too long to display withing the UserControl boundaries, the Text starts to scroll automatically to the left.