Top 20 NuGet script Packages
Cake.Transifex is a addin for the Cake Build script adding support for working with the localization service Transifex.
This addin requires that the transifex client is already installed and is available as `tx`.
To install the transifex client, install python, then run `pip install transifex-client...
The Azure DevOps support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to
write found issues as comments to Azure DevOps pull requests.
This addin provides the aliases for writing to Azure DevOps pull requests.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or mor...
This package contains contains the Script.Microsoft.BingMaps assembly that allows you to reference and program against Bing Maps control and mapping APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.Web assembly that allows you to reference and program against DOM and related APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.jQuery assembly that allows you to reference and program against the rich set of jQuery APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.Knockout assembly that allows you to reference and program against the Knockout APIs when creating MVVM-style HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
For SQL Server Compact, for easy inclusion of database scripting in your own application
The F# Azure Storage Type Provider allows simple access to Blob, Table and Queue assets, using Azure Storage metadata to intelligently infer schema where possible, whilst providing a simple API for common tasks.
*nix shebang support for ScriptCs
Useful for ScriptCs prior to v0.14.0 (in this version this is moved into ScriptCs core)
Dynamic LUA binaries for version 5.1
Luabind is a library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua
ScriptCs.ComponentModel.Composition provide a ScriptCsCatalog to extend an application with the power of MEF and ScriptCs.
Provides functionallity for build Osiris Conversation scripts
Pask extension that provides NuGet functionality to create and publish a package.
Cake addin for Azure management.
Pask extension that provides test automation functionality with code coverage reports generated by dotCover.
Pask extension that provides database migration functionality using FluentMigrator.
CHIMP boot/script providers API