Top 20 NuGet script Packages

A dynamic scripting language for .NET.
使用roslyn方案打造高性能动态代码,包括动态构建。(Use Roslyn to create efficient dynamic code. Including dynamic build, and so on.)
The IronOCR engine adds OCR (Optical Character Recognition) functionality to Web, Desktop, and Console applications. IronOCR reads Barcode and QR codes. Ocr Dictionaries in this package: * GurmukhiAlphabet * GurmukhiAlphabetBest * GurmukhiAlphabetFast This package installs IronOCR and also Gurmu...
基于 NMS.Leo,提供了更易于使用、功能更丰富的上层 APIs。
Contains testing utilities for Cake.
Cake Build addon for JSON Serialization and manipulation.
The Cake script analyzer and code generator.
Contains web services for script execution.
Excubo.Blazor.ScriptInjection allows you to inject a script tag into the pages body on demand, with the guarantee that the script tag will appear once and only once.
发布最新版 Natasha
Natasha C#编译引擎
Provides a .NET implementation to the diff algorithm (shortest edit script) described by Eugene Myers in "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations". Unlike some other implementations, this one can compare sequences of any object type, using the standard Equals method or a custom IEqualityCom...
ScriptCs.Hosting provides common services necessary for hosting scriptcs in your application.
Dotnet CLI tool allowing you to run C# (CSX) scripts.
A MetadataReferenceResolver that allows inline nuget references to be specified in script(csx) files.
ScriptCs.Engine.Roslyn provides a Roslyn-based script engine for scriptcs.