Top 20 NuGet safe Packages

Quick State Machine for handling states with dedicated class, simple and elegant.
A set of tools for development.
Thread safe random number generator
Performs base64url encoding which differs from regular base64 encoding as follows. Padding is skipped so the pad character '=' doesn't have to be percent encoded. The 62nd and 63rd regular base64 encoding characters ('+' and '/') are replace with ('-' and '_') The changes make the encoding alphabet...
Contains two major parts. One is RNGRandom, a random number generator base on System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider that is thread-safe, avoid modulo bias, and safely handle edge cases; The other one is extension methods of all numeric type for System.Random, or whoever inherit from ...
Provides thread-safe observable collection.
Command executor and info readers including European and Polish law regarding using databases
Console input methods that pervent user from inputting wrong data(ex. string into int).
Simple caching module.
A collection that supports thread-safe append-only writes and lock-free random access reads.
A type safe unit library for C#