Top 20 NuGet safe Packages

Library provides WCF Rest behaviors extension - EnableCorsBehavior - CustomAuthenticationBehavior - TypedUriTemplateBehavior See more details here:
Simple StoredProcedure Binder in a type safe way.
Makes any call to a function of an object thread safe
TypeSafe.Http.Net is a type safe REST/HTTP/Web framework that automagically allows you to make service calls to servers through simple annotated interfaces. This library contains the metadata/attributes/annotations that will be used to mark up service interfaces to indicate how they should function...
Library to help to perform any operations safely.
A Feature-Rich and UnauthorizedAccessException-Free Traversal Library for files and directories for .NET framework 4.5+ and .NET Core 2.0.
.NET Client for Distributed Lock Manager Server
Easy and seamless caching implementation of any virtual method in any class.
ThreadSafe AdoNetWithDistributedTransactionFactory
TypeSafe.Http.Net is a type safe REST/HTTP/Web framework that automagically allows you to make service calls to servers through simple annotated interfaces. This library contains a serialization implementation for the .NET Framework's XmlSerializer for TypeSafe.Http.Net. To register this serializer...
TypeSafe.Http.Net is a type safe REST/HTTP/Web framework that automagically allows you to make service calls to servers through simple annotated interfaces. This library is an implementation of the IRestServiceProxy which can be registered using RegisterRestSharpClient(...) on the builder. This wil...
Integration between .net core web applications and angulars
Enums have issues. This library provides a base class SharpEnum to create strongly typed alternatives to enums. Flags supported and includes json custom serializers.
TeqCrate is a type-safe datatype-generic programming library for F#. It offers a type-safe and extensible way to inspect, decompose and create values for various kinds of common F# and .NET types.
This project allows you easily add dynamic properties to any existing instance without creating derived type in .NET (C# or VB.NET). This approach is similar as attached dependency properties in WPF. It can be used as attribute system for complex definition of data model behavior or just to create t...
A thread-safe static class that wraps System.Random for generating pseudo-random numbers.
A set of useful and powerful collection classes.
Provides type safe versions of Enum's static methods in , and some type-safe delegates for enums. In TypeSafeEnums.TypeSafeEnum