Top 20 NuGet rpc Packages
Simple .NET remoting framework based on the Request/Reply pattern
Azure ServiceBus remoting transport for Asynco
AjaxGateway.Net - Web Application Toolkit - Mvc Runtime - 2.1.232
This package contains bindings for using Bond with gRPC. The Bond-generated gRPC code depends on types in this assembly.
Bond is an open source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechan...
ServiceProxy is used to call remote Microdot services. It is a
runtime-generated transparent proxy which implements the remote service's
public interface, translating all calls performed on it to HTTP calls.
Part of the Microdot framework.
A simple and fast contractless RPC library for .NET and .NET Core, over IServiceCollection
Client part of Elmish.Bridge
C# 开发的.Net框架下的RPC服务,路线:已经开发好的程序如何快速实现RPC.
WampSharp ASP.NET Core RawSocket support
A universal JSON-RPC 2.0 service client based on the "JSON-RPC 2.0 Transport: HTTP" specification
JSON-RPC 2.0 middleware for ASP.NET Core 3 based on the "JSON-RPC 2.0 Transport: HTTP" specification
A simple, high performance RPC library.
Utf8Json serializer for EasyRpc
A set of classes and modules for .Net development including MetaPubSub - a Publish-Subscribe pattern implementation with an interprocess communication channel
Newtonsoft serializer for EasyRpc
Library for rendering cshtml views for EasyRpc
RPC library for calling API functions.
Server RPC library for ASP.NET Core
gRPC and Protocol Buffer compiler for managed F# projects.
Add this package to a project that contains .proto files to be compiled to code.
It contains the compilers, include files and project system integration for gRPC
and Protocol buffer service description files necessary to b...