Top 20 NuGet rpc Packages
Debug symbols for the grpc_csharp_ext native library contained in Grpc.Core
Note that the Grpc.Core implementation of gRPC for C# is in maintenance mode and will be replaced by grpc-dotnet in the future.
See for details.
ServiceBus Implementation of RPC Server Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
RPC Server Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows Rpc libraries.
A simple C# async TCP server and client with integrated framing for reliable transmission and receipt of data
WampSharp above Fleck, Newtonsoft.Json and NewtonsoftMessagePack
WampSharp above Newtonsoft.Json, NewtonsoftMessagePack and System.Net.WebSockets
WampSharp above Fleck, Newtonsoft.Json, NewtonsoftMessagePack, and System.Net.WebSockets
Proxy generation for client Fable apps targeting F# server-side apps using Fable.Remoting
Shared Server Utilities for Fable.Remoting
WampSharp WAMP1 default binding, implemented using Newtonsoft.Json, WebSocket4Net and Fleck
Vtortola transport for WampSharp
SimpleUdp is a super simple way of building UDP clients and servers in C#.
Dotnet F# client proxy that is compatible with Fable.Remoting web servers
Command line tool for gRPC projects
Giraffe-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
A AspNet Core IRouter implementation for Json Rpc v2 requests for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.
Suave-Fable adapter that generates routes for shared server spec with a Fable client. Client must use Fable.Remoting.Client
ServiceBus Implementation of RPC Client Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework
Common RPC Network Functionality and Interfaces for Building Apps with the LagoVista IoT and Devices Framework