Top 20 NuGet ria Packages
OpenRiaServices.Hosting.Wcf provides the OpenRiaServices.Hosting assembly.
The web.config.transform adds the necessary configSections, HTTP modules, and system.serviceModel elements to make your Domain Services available at runtime.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client is the full signed OpenRiaServices client for wpf/silverlight and portable libraries in a single package.
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Client package in order to make upgrading easy.
OpenRiaServices.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext.
Open RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features
OpenRiaServices.Client is the full OpenRiaServices client including code generation in a single package. This version of OpenRiaServices is designed for use in OpenSilver projects (cf.
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
RIAServicesContrib.EntityFramework provides the DbDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DbContext from the EntityFramework package.
This package supports versions of EntityFramework starting with EF 6.0.1.
Open RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features
This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It provides a lot of useful classes and great methods (like UpdateModel and ForEach) in general development.
RIAServices.Server provides the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting and System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Server assemblies in place of the GAC references, making bin-deployment easier.
The web.config.transform adds the necessary configSections, HTTP modules, and system.serviceModel element...
This packages adds bootstrap 3 support to the Durandal StarterKit written by Rob Eisenberg.
Built using Durandal 2.0.1
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScr...
Code generation for silverlight targets, other target platforms should use OpenRiaServices.Client.CodeGen.
This packages adds bootstrap 3 support to Durandal written by Rob Eisenberg.
Built using Durandal 2.0.1
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Singl...
Ext Direct router implementation for ASP.NET
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Single Page Applications (SPAs) easy to create and maintain. We've used it to build apps for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android...and now it's your turn...
This is a router designed to integrate Samm...
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework written in JavaScript and designed to make Single Page Applications (SPAs) easy to create and maintain. We've used it to build apps for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android...and now it's your turn...
This is a collection of transitions designe...
This packages adds bootstrap 3 support to the Durandal StarterKit written by Rob Eisenberg.
Built using Durandal 2.0.1
Durandal is a cross-device, cross-platform client framework...
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Client.Core package in order to make upgrading easy.
OpenRiaServices.EntityFramework provides the LinqToEntitiesDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with an ObjectContext using older versions of Entity Framework.
This package supports versions of EntityFramework less than 6. If you are using ObjectCo...