Top 20 NuGet resource Packages

File based resource manager for PI.Cms PI.Cms is a simple but powerful Content Management System for .Net
The Core models, interfaces and managers for PI.Cms PI.Cms is a simple but powerful Content Management System for .Net
Tools for working with Azure Resource Management (ARM) Icon By Google Inc., CC BY 4.0,
Basic packaged resource reader.
Create client side (JavaScript) based Resource Localization in any web application. Extremely light-weight library, just 3KB (Minified) and 8KB(Debug) version. Implementing client side localization into any web application is always challenge. Most of web technologies provide localization using ser...
Embedded Resource files helpers for dotnet.
Fody add-in for embedding references as resources.
Add Reference to this class library and rock. Example structure of resources: /Resources/Map.json Notice: you must change the build action of the target resource file to 'embedded resource'
Easy-to-use async resource pool for streams operating on sockets.
This PCL library helps with some useful tools when working with shaders in MonoGame, like a reflection helper that determines if the project gets used for OpenGL or DirectX and some static extension methods for the GraphicsDevice and the SpriteBatch. Another one helps you to make loading shad...
LocalizationExtension is a really easy way to localize any type of DependencyProperties or native Properties on DependencyObjects This package is signed with strong named. Public Key Token da17a8a04a0e3b31
A tool designed to facilitate data managment in unit testing. The tool makes JSON data organized in embedded resource easy to access. It provides numberous ways to extract a section of data, and deserialize data.
This package will help you retreive an access token from your authorization end point using OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials flow.
.Net Core Rnd Resource API
Provides developers with libraries for the azure resource mover under Azure Resource manager.
Azure Data Share is a first party resource provider that enables customers to easily and securely share big data with other organizations in Azure, with centralized management, monitoring and governance.
Simple packaged resource reader.