Top 20 NuGet reports Packages

Report scripting engine
Generate reports with IronPython script
docx xlsx pptx support for Punfai report scripting engine
From the Selenio project. Plug this HTML reporter to generate rich step-by-step reports in your test executions.
From the Selenio project. Plug this HTML reporter to generate rich step-by-step reports in your test executions.
SAP CrystalReports TemplateEngine
SAP CrystalReports ReportAppServer ObjectFactory
Metodos de auxilio para geração dos relatorios.
Azure Table Storage data provider for Stimulsoft products.
MongoDB data provider for Stimulsoft products. MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas.
Google Sheets data provider for Stimulsoft products.
A .Net library for interacting with the SEC EDGAR System. Retrieve SEC Company Info including SEC Edgar CIK Numbers, SIC Numbers...etc. Retrieve up to 30 different Company and Fund Filing types including 10Q, 10K, Annual Reports, and Semi Annual Reports. More filing types are continuously added. ...