Top 20 NuGet reports Packages

SAP CrystalReports Log4Net
HockeyApp core library. This package is a dependent package for all other HockeyApp packages. Please install the platform specific package for the best experience.
OmniCX Query Builder contains the dll references used in dynamic query builders for reporting, segmentation.
SAP CrystalReports Design
Raavel .NET notifier
SAP CrystalReports Design
Firebase data provider for Stimulsoft products.
Contains tools for report generation.
BigQuery data provider for Stimulsoft products.
Small helper to visualize data as a histogram with SharpShooter.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Xamarin Android applications.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Xamarin iOS applications.
Splunk>MINT Xamarin Android Java Bindings
Splunk>MINT Xamarin iOS Classic API Objective-C Bindings
MRCore will help you to create reports in mvc 6.
Contains set of classes that help with automating reports execution with different parameters, executing and comparing them in different formats.
Reporting Tool And Helper for Crystal and SSRS
Unofficial HockeyApp core library. This package is a dependent package for all other HockeyApp packages. Please install the platform specific package for the best experience.