Top 20 NuGet report Packages

Stimulsoft Reports.WEB for .NET Core is a reporting tool designed to create and render reports in Web using native .NET Core cross platform report engine. Stimulsoft Reports.WEB will provide the complete cycle of report designing, from creating report templates and ending with showing them in a web ...
iTextSharp.LGPLv2.Core is an unofficial port of the last LGPL version of the iTextSharp (V4.1.6) to .NET Core.
VsTest extension for reporting test results into
Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
API client for
pdf or excel reports rendering through local jsreport binary
A plugin for SpecFlow to generate a shareable HTML Gherkin feature execution report (living documentation). Use together with SpecFlow.Plus.LivingDoc.CLI.
Syncfusion Bold Reports for ASP.NET Core is a server-side helper package used to build ASP.NET Core Web API services. Key features: • Users can interactively provide report parameter inputs at run time to display reports based on the parameter. • SQL Server RDL specification expressions are support...
Exceptionless client for ASP.NET Core. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Multithreaded reporter of test results to
EPPlus.Core is an unofficial port of the EPPlus library to .NET Core.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® UWP Pivot Client control and more.
The native .NET Core cross platform report engine is a part of the reporting tool for .NET Core and .NET frameworks, that renders reports from getting data from the source, building bands, calculating aggregate functions, charting, applying styles, conditions, filtering, sorting, and more. Also, the...
EasyQuery ASP.NET Core classes