Top 20 NuGet report Packages

Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow and NUnit 3 unit test provider
Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow and MSTest unit test provider
package to inject MSTest TestContext into SpecFlow tests
Out of the box this package provides the ability to convert an enumerable of objects or a DataTable to a report in Excel or CSV. A report can also be manually constructed by building up Groups, Rows and Columns. This project has been written in an extensible way so new methods of creating and stylin...
Serialize/deserialize log entries with MessagePack. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
A complete, ligthweight and self-contained .NET Standard 2.0 offline exception logging library, powered by Realm
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers. The reporting engine comes very helpful when you need to generate excel-based report with built-in formulas or VBA code even.
EPPlus.Core is an unofficial port of the EPPlus library to .NET Core.
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers
Log Selenium WebDriver events to
EPPlus.Core is an unofficial port of the EPPlus library to .NET Core.
Package Description
SharpLightReporting is a .Net reporting system where developers design a report using excel like software and insert supported template markers for dynamic content and method calls. This dynamic content is defined in a custom backing class (ReportData class) where custom properties behave as the sou...
Exceptionless client for WPF applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.