Top 20 NuGet reactive Packages

A library to read and write to GPIO ports on linux using Reactive Extensions
Provides an asynchronous API for executing and observing the results of SQLite queries.
Simple Flow Control Library with Rx(Reactive Extensions). MIT License.
Small, simple open-source C# animation library built using the reactive extensions framework, utilizing Robert Penner's easing functions. Does not make use of reflection, instead allowing the caller to use a function/monad/observer to update their desired object. Contains methods for animating Wind...
Provides a simple table mapping ORM for SQLitePCL.pretty.
IoFx is a .NET library that enables reactive IO. The main motivation for this library is preformance. The target audience are folks who want to build high throughput application. We trade off simplicity for performance in most cases. The API surface enables composition using different protocols and ...
Reactive extension wrappers for hot observables of Entity Framework entities
Binding between RxJS and WebSockets for use with WebStream servers.
Cross-platform WebStream library for .NET using Reactive Extensions. Compatible with Windows, Mono/Xamarin Android and iOS
Reactive Extensions Advanced Flow Library contains the Reactive-Streams enabled extension methods to build non-blocking backpressured flows, plus support for Single (1 element or 1 error) and Completable (1 complete or 1 error) reactive types.
Monadic Futures that represent asynchronous actions which return a single result
Classes for testing Future based applications
Reactive Extensions for Xamarin Android Core Module
Reactive extension wrappers for hot observables of Entity Framework entities
Reactive store for command/event processing
Provides active list extensions for data tables.
Dagmatic Akka
Provides active list extensions for working with WPF.