Top 20 NuGet react Packages

ASP.NET Core middleware to transpile JavaScript via Babel. Please refer to project site ( for full installation instructions, usage examples and sample code
ReactJS and Babel tools for ASP.NET Core, including ASP.NET Core MVC. Please refer to project site ( for full installation instructions, usage examples and sample code
ReactJS and Babel tools for .NET. Important: This package does not do much on its own; you probably want an integration package (like React.Web.Mvc4) as well. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
ReactJS tools for ASP.NET MVC 4 and 5. For ASP.NET Core, install React.AspNet instead! Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
ReactJS tools for ASP.NET. If using ASP.NET MVC, also install React.Web.Mvc4. For ASP.NET Core, install React.AspNet instead! Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
Allows you to transpile JavaScript via Babel in the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework.
A fresh retake of the React API in Fable, optimized for happiness
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model. This is the package required to integrate Xamarin Maps
XamarinReactorUI is an UI framework that let you build Xamarin Forms pages using a React/Flutter inspired model. This is the assembly required to enable HotReload feature.
Fable bindings for Jest and friends
OWIN middleware for transpiling JavaScript via Babel.
React Router support for ReactJS.NET.
React Router support for ReactJS.NET.
Fable bindings for react-testing-library
Allows you to transpile JavaScript via Babel using Cassette.
FSharp implementation of Facebook GraphQL query language (Server)
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for plotly.js
Bulma wrapper for amazing Feliz DSL
React hooks for easy event listener management.
Provides compile-time transformation for React components