Top 20 NuGet queue Packages

CLI library for MQ/EasyNetQ support.
EasyNetQ/RabbitMQ support for TauCode Web API server.
Base class for connecting to AWS queue. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.AWS namespace, like if it was installed using binary assembly. Check o...
Background work utilities for .NET Core apps based on Hosted services. Basis interfaces and helpers.
Base class for connecting to Azure queue. Add this package to your core library, so it would get the source code of this module without installing a binary dependency. Then proceed with using corresponding functionality from Atom.Azure namespace, like if it was installed using binary assembly. Che...
This library provides a reliable messaging service using Azure Storage Accounts. Features included guaranteed ordering within topics and guaranteed delivery.
Twino Messaging Queue Client to connect all TMQ Servers
Contains a specialised FIFO Queue for asynchronous transport of items between tasks. You can have multiple working tasks adding items to the queue, as well as multiple working tasks subscribing to items from the queue.
Batch 90 (XCBatch) a queue and batch framework
Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
ESB / Message Bus implementation for Microsoft.Net, based on SQL Server database as a message store. Supported features: - Durable and transactional messages - Pub/Sub message routing - Support for Sagas - Message sequences, expiration, correlation, http bridge - Robust retrying strategy, self-heal...
Powershell cmdlets for application configuration and resource creation.
Package Description
Components for Azure Integration. Add Azure cloud based data storage, queue management, table configuration, and more to any application.
Light abstraction on top of MongoDB to provide basic message queue functionality (with legacy MongoDB driver).
RabbitMQ Client
Puts a frame work around windows workflow to accept declared events and routes them to event listners that are Workflows. All while orchestating it via queues for resilience and capacity.
A High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library
Azure ServiceBus extension for CloudNative.CloudEvents
A dependency injectable application framework for building, configuring, deploying and managing applications on Azure PaaS