Top 20 NuGet queue Packages
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table
NLog QueueStorageTarget for writing to Azure Cloud Queue Storage
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
A collection of classes to aid in development with Azure Storage Queues and Blobs
Horse Messaging Queue (HMQ) Protocol library and server extension for Horse Server
Persistant queue message data library for Horse MQ
Horse Messaging Queue Client to connect all HMQ Servers
Tool YaCloudKit for working with Yandex Cloud Message Queue.
PeachtreeBus.SimpleInjector is a package that contains classes and extensions for integrating PeachtreeBus with SimpleInjector.
Provides an implementation of the messaging gateway for decoupled invocation in the Paramore.Brighter pipeline, using RabbitMQ
Azure implementation of the Kalix.Leo storage abstraction
Dependency injected Azure PaaS components.
Optional background processes for the Accidental Fish applicaton framework. Includes email and logging.
Ultra simple multithread / multiprocess directory based persistent queue system for C#
Eventing library, with support for MsSql and MySql. Ideal for implementing, eventdriven architectures, pub-sub, microservices, etc.
RabbitMQ transport for EzBus
Class library with specialized collections to model graphs, queues, multi-value dictionaries and such.
PureActive Hosting Support for Hangfire
Engine for Nybus based on RabbitMQ.