Top 20 NuGet proxy Packages

This is a simple nuGet repackaging of version 2.1.4 of BrowserMob proxy. There are no changes to its contents/source and it is simply designed to provide an alternative distribution method. This package is maintained by Deagor however the code is simply copied directly from the BrowserMob github. As...
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
dotnet 动态代理类,用于AOP
Retrieves WebProxy from .Net Standard
Adds assembly scanning to the Prise Plugin Framework
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Adds support for sharing services between a Prise host and a Prise Plugin
Tunelling & proxy connectivity
Abstractions for com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptor. Contains the following commonly used types: com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptor.IAdapterMapper com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptorException com.github.akovac35.NoOperationAdapterMapper
Provides an AutoMapper based default implementation of com.github.akovac35.IAdapterMapper for com.github.akovac35.AdapterInterceptor.
.Net Core implementation of a resource proxy for ArcGIS Server.
Prise, A .NET Core plugin framework!
Easy to use TcpClient helper library that can create TcpClient connected through proxy server. Automatically detects system proxy settings and creates TcpClient that uses proxy if configured in the system. TcpClient client = Filemail.ProxiedTcpClient.ProxiedTcpClient.Create(destinationU...
WSDBLinkProxy is a proxy to interact with the WSDBLink enterprise web service. WSDBLink is a Data Access Layer (DAL) used to access Oracle and SQL Server databases.