Top 20 NuGet postgres Packages

Thin functional F# layer around Npgsql, the PostgreSQL database driver.
Simple database wrapper for SQL Server written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for MySQL, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
Simple database wrapper for Postgresql written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for SQL Server, Sqlite, and MySQL.
Simple database wrapper for MySQL written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for SQL Server, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
Do not install this package directly. Core classes for DatabaseWrapper packages.
SerilogSinkForPostgreSQL is a library to save logging information from to The assembly was written and tested in .Net 5.0.
GeoJSON plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostGIS geometry types to GeoJSON types.
F# Wrapper for PostgreSQL around Npgsql and Vp.FSharp.Sql
PostGIS plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostGIS types to the legacy types (e.g. PostgisPoint).
PostgreSQL/Npgsql provider for Entity Framework Core.
SQL Localizer for ASP.NET Core, dotnet
Composable high performance event sourcing componentry
Library for exprorting 1C:Enterprise 8.x platform's event log files to PostgreSQL database
PostgreSQL-based persistence for Rebus
Efficient event sourced decisions and data
Provides a distributed lock implementation based on Postgresql
A free Express edition of dotConnect for PostgreSQL, an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies.
Simple database wrapper for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite. written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages if you only need support for one database type.
Postgres embedded server equivalent for .Net applications
Efficient event sourced decisions and data