Top 20 NuGet poco Packages

Additional datasources for AutoPoco, including enum, city, street, postal, company, datetime, timespan
NLite.Data Framework 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。 设计理念 一: 约定胜于配置 连接字符串的配置完全遵循.Net 的...
ELinq 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,支持根据实体类自动建库建表建关系,支持根据数据库通过T4模版自动生成实体代码,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。
A customisable T4 template that generates POCO based Repositories from your EDMX file - simply edit the name of the EDMX file at the top of the TT file and run!
A customisable T4 template that generates POCO based Repositories from your EDMX file - simply edit the name of the EDMX file at the top of the TT file and run!
DapperPoco is a reflection driven SQL generator that wraps the popular Dapper ORM framework. With DapperPoco you just create your POCO objects, decorate them, and use them; no writing SQL statements unless absolutely necessary.
Fluent, POCO friendly, convention-based mappings for DynamoDb. Get your fluent on :-)
Provide a binding mechanism between POCO objects
Contains the Plain Old Clr Objects for the Ekin.Clarizen library
Library for Linq2DB integration of generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
Library for PostgreSQL integration of generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
Yet Another POCO Generator for SQL Server and Azure Table. powerd by StringTemplate
.NET Standard 2.0 library with helpers to convert your POCO objects to Azure Table Storage objects of type `ITableEntity` or `DynamicTableEntity` and vice versa. It supports saving complex classes by converting not natively supported property types into JSON strings. There is no need to have dedic...
Fast, Simple, Typed table reader for SAP
Analyzer for comparing JSON and POCO types. Packaged for use in a VSIX project.
A Sql Server implmentation of the Data.Dump engine for easy creation of data extractions based on any dataset or poco, with a low memory footprint.
A C# data dump engine for easy creation of data extractions based on any dataset or poco, with a low memory footprint.
A simple, lightweight serialization facade for reading and writing XML files to and from plain-old csharp objects.