Top 20 NuGet poco Packages

This is a Scaffold extension to generate POCO class, Mapping class, Repository pattern class and DbContext. Very helpful in database-first approach without needing .edmx. Usage: On Package Manager Console type the following command: Scaffold PocoFromDB {your-connection-string} {c...
INJenuity is a framework written in and for Csharp assemblies with the purpose of solving dependency injection, object creation / lifetime management, and writing tedious boiler-plate code. The software engineer and the framework work together by attribute declaration, programmatically-defined confi...
A basic library implementation for persistent classes.
Validations is a simple framework which contains a set of components responsable for validating any kind of objects through a set of rules named "Operations".
pogo lets you save .NET POCOs (plain old CLR objects) directly to the Google Cloud Datastore and use LINQ to query.
This is a Scaffold extension to generate POCO class, Mapping class, Repository pattern class and DbContext. Very helpful in database-first approach without needing .edmx. Usage: On Package Manager Console type the following command: Scaffold PocoFromDB {your-connection-string} {contextName...
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use NLog as the logging library.
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use log4net as the logging library.
ActiveLucene.Net is a collection of classes to facilitate developing with Lucene.Net. At its core is the ability to easily and automatically convert between a Lucene Document object and a POCO through the use of attributes.
Inspect values in JSON strings with single line expressions and plain old CLR objects without using foreach/if to extract values from JSON. Extract the 42 from ["first",{"aString":"HelloWorld","aNumber":42}] with C# expression: json.AsList[1].AsDictionary["aNumber"].AsInt
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to integrate with MiniProfiler.
Generates POCO templates based on the original template generator provided by PetaPoco
A simple sql data access library
A very simple reflection-based templating engine.
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to encrypt and decrypt values as they are written to or read from a database.
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to use Serilog as the logging library.
Enterprize framework for POCO and stored procedure data access. Built on top of MS Enterprize library this framework extends the functionality into an easy to use framework. Includes multi tenant suport for large systems as wel as variouse other functions.
A minimalistic and fast JSON parser/deserializer. Mobile versions for Android and WP8.
Create only your domain objects and get a prototype shell for free.
SharePoint CAML query builder - Build CAML queries using Lambda Expression with simple POCOs.