Top 20 NuGet pinvoke Packages

A .net lib with common win32 values/types/routines for interop/pinvoke.
Python and CLR (.NET and Mono) cross-platform language interop
Native wimlib wrapper library for .NET. Provides every capabilities of wimlib. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
.NET Bindings for the Point Cloud Library
Skycoin client library for .NET
Piggy is a transformation system for ASTs, including generation of p/invoke interfaces from C++ headers, with seamless integration with MSBuild. See for further details.
Package used to generated native exports for .NET assemblies.
Dynamically invoke arbitrary unmanaged code from managed code without PInvoke.
Cross-platform native dynamic library loader for .NET. Provides advanced P/Invoke functionality using NativeLibrary, LoadLibrary and libdl. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Privileges determine the type of system operations that a process can perform. Process Privileges is a set of extension methods, written in C#, for System.Diagnostics.Process. It implements the functionality necessary to query, enable, disable or remove privileges on a process.
Functions for using User32, Kernel32, RawInput and Devices etc.
Python and CLR (.NET and Mono) cross-platform language interop
Managed interop library for Windows.
zlib pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of DeflateStream, ZLibStream, GZipStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and Adler32 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
XZ Utils (liblzma) pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of XZStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and CRC64 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
Libvirt supports: The KVM/QEMU Linux hypervisor The Xen hypervisor on Linux and Solaris hosts. The LXC Linux container system The OpenVZ Linux container system The User Mode Linux paravirtualized kernel The VirtualBox hypervisor The VMware ESX and GSX hyperv...
CppAst.CodeGen is an extensible P/Invoke Code Generator from C++ to C# for .NET
This is the PInvoke wrapper over the implementation of the compression / decompression algorithm in the c ++ library from Google