Top 20 NuGet pinvoke Packages

A helper library for P/Invoke Interop.
This library generates platform invoke implementations for interfaces.
Expose Win32 APIs for .NET applications.
Personal .net wrapper for Win32 Power Management methods
Python and CLR (.NET and Mono) cross-platform language interop
DLR-based late-bound P/Invoke for F#
A collection of libraries intended to contain all P/Invoke method signatures for popular operating systems.
A collection of libraries intended to contain all P/Invoke method signatures for popular operating systems.
A collection of libraries intended to contain all P/Invoke method signatures for popular operating systems.
A collection of libraries intended to contain all P/Invoke method signatures for popular operating systems.
A collection of C# extension methods.
libmagic (file) pinvoke library for .NET. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
lz4 pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the native implementation of LZ4FrameStream. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
.NET Bindings for the Intel Movidius NCAPIv2 As the movidius only works on linux at this time, these bindings will of course only work on Linux
CppPinvokeGenerator is a simple pinvoke generator based on CppAst to generate C# for C++
Extern definitions and managed wrappers for PInvoke system calls. Covers user32, kernel32, setupapi, and hid (dlls).
A collection of useful P/Invoke wrappers and assist methods
C# bindings for the libclang c++ parsing library.
P/Invoke like a boss